Kara Cox Interiors

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How COVID Has Impacted Home Design and Construction

COVID has impacted almost everything in our lives. But it still comes as a surprise to some people when they realize a furniture order has been delayed, or they can’t find a microwave in any store. I’ve had to explain to a client recently that the paper goods shortage is exactly why you can’t get a fence installed as quickly as you want to. Both of those things are made of wood and there’s a severe lumber shortage right now. In fact, I’m getting so many questions about this from my clients that I thought I’d answer a few of them here.

What is a supply chain?

A supply chain is the line that’s formed from a final product all the way back to the tiny little screws that hold that product together. If one thing in that line - from screws to metal to wiring - is held up or in short supply, it impacts everything and makes it harder for you to buy that final product. Right now, raw goods like wood, metal, and cotton are all seeing shortages. That means that upholstery, appliances, wood furniture, rugs, and all construction supplies are experiencing delayed deliveries, or they are harder to find.

What’s causing these shortages?

Shut downs have been felt all around the world, and in factories, mines, forests, and offices. Most companies are still having to limit the number of people in their buildings at any given time. That also causes delays at shipping ports, railways, trucking companies - so the delivery of goods is impacted, too. This is a worldwide issue, and sometimes we forget that in our day-to-day lives.

How do these issues impact my home project?

It may be harder for builders to find the supplies they need to complete your kitchen renovation or your new addition. It isn’t completely impossible, but it’s definitely something to consider as you start on a new build or plan a remodel. Also be prepared for longer waits for furniture, accessories, and appliances. It is also causing prices to rise for everything from raw lumber to labor. I recently read that constructions costs are up 20% this year alone.

How can I help make the process smoother?

Working with a professional is the #1 way you can help make your project move forward. The reason is that professionals like designers have a lot of contacts. We know who has inventory and which companies are seeing longer delays. That gives us insight that will help you make smarter decisions - and get your project completed faster. Here are some other ways you can help:

  • Be open to other options. I may have to show you more selections than I normally would, just in case your first choice isn’t available. Or a builder may suggest a different material because he knows the one you first discussed isn’t going to ship anytime soon. So just consider all of your options and understand that there may be a trade-off between time and availability.

  • Make decisions quickly. The faster you can sign off on something, the more quickly we can get the orders in. That’s going to make a big difference as to whether a product arrives on time or becomes back ordered.

  • Plan ahead. If you can order things like windows and appliances far in advance of construction starting, that will help the project sync up in the future. Then a long delay won’t be as important because you’ll be in the middle of construction while you’re waiting.

  • Budget carefully. Construction costs are up as much as 15% to 20% higher, and increases are coming on the price of furniture. Walk through your budget with your builder and a designer like me to really understand how costs will impact your project.

  • Pack your patience. Just like we’ve had to live with not being able to find everything at the grocery store that we want or need, you’re going to want to be patient with the process. Know that I’m going to do my best to steer you in the right direction so the project moves as quickly as possible. But things can - and will! - happen, so we all need to quickly reset and work toward solutions.

Design projects may take more time today, but investing in your home is still a great decision. With mortgage rates low and little inventory in houses on the market, it’s a great time to build the home of your dreams or invest in a second property. We’re currently under construction on projects in four cities and two states. Contact my team today and let’s talk about how we can help make the most of your investment!

All the best,
