Kara Cox Interiors

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Tricks of the Trade: Mirrors

Kara Cox Interiors

We designers have some tricks in our toolboxes that help us make the most of every room we design. One of my favorites is using mirrors. They aren’t just decorative - although I do love a stunning design - but mirrors also serve an important function. If they’re used correctly, they can actually serve many functions. Here are just a few ways that mirrors and mirrored surfaces subtly change the rooms they’re in.

Kara Cox Interiors

Expand the Space

Of course you need a mirror in a bathroom to check your reflection, to apply makeup, or to be sure you didn’t miss a spot shaving. But in a small space like the one above, a great mirror can also make the room seem larger. It’s the trick of the eye that also creates those “infinity” moments in mirrors, where it seems a space goes on forever. By allowing you to see the wall behind you, a mirror makes you think you’re in a larger room.

Kara Cox Interiors

Reflect a Beautiful View

I installed mirror into the back wall of the hexagonal spaces of a bookshelf in the living room above. They are fabulous reflectors of the natural light that floods in those French doors. But they also offer a beautiful view, no matter where you’re standing in the room. If you stand in one area of the space, you can see the rest of the room and into the adjoining space. Stand in another spot and you’ll see the gorgeous outdoor areas. That one trick offers a lot of interest in one small piece of mirror.

Kara Cox Interiors

Add More Light

When candlelight was all we had to illuminate rooms, most fixtures came with mirrors to help increase the light. That’s the same idea in the beautiful sconces above that I used in a modern dining room. I like to offer several layers of a light in a room, and a range levels from dim to super-bright. Using those mirrored lights allows my client to adjust the level of light she wants in this room, because the sconces on their own will bounce a lot of light around the space.

Kara Cox Interiors

Keep Up Appearances

A mirror in the entry is a welcoming touch, and it can definitely help increase the light in this area. But I also love to use one here for a functional reason my clients almost never consider - their appearance. A mirror near an entry allows my client to check her hair or her look before she heads out the door. Or she can be sure she isn’t too windblown or mussed as she comes back in. My clients will use these mirrors over and over without even giving them a thought. But that’s what I’m here for!

Kara Cox Interiors

Act Natural

Natural light is the best thing in a gorgeous room. It makes the space look more stunning, it makes us look lovelier, and it helps boost our moods. So the more natural light we can bring into a room, the better. I use mirrors near windows to help that outdoor light make its way into as much of the room as possible. Another interesting way to do that is with mirrored furniture. Mirrored pieces will add a soft glow to any space, and they look especially pleasing in a bedroom, like the one I designed below.

Kara Cox Interiors

Design isn’t just selecting colors, fabrics, and furniture. It’s balance, symmetry, skill, experience - and a few tricks of the trade! Want to see how we can transform your home? Give us a call!

All the best,
