Kara Cox Interiors

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What Customer Service Means to Me

Being an interior designer is more than just being creative and designing stunning interiors. There is a huge customer service element to it as well, and that’s the part that sets my team and I apart. There’s almost nothing we won’t do for our clients if we can. I see customer service as much more than just being professional and delivering the project on time and on budget. Our clients are letting us into their personal lives and are allowing us to help them in a very intimate way, and we really appreciate that. So here are just a few ways that we uplevel our customer service.

Kara Cox Interiors

We Design to Meet Your Needs

Of course we will deliver a house that includes your favorite colors and patterns. But we also will spend a lot of time asking how you and your family will use the rooms, what you need to support your work or hobbies, and what’s most important to you in your home. That way, we can create spaces that aren’t just gorgeous, they also function the way you need them to. For example, you may want a home office, but you also want to have a place to read and think that isn’t at a desk. Or you may love to bake and cook, so you need storage for ingredients and a marble surface for kneading bread. Thinking through every detail so you have a house that’s above-and-beyond what you dreamed about is what my team specializes in.

Kara Cox Interiors

We Listen to You

That may seem simplistic, but we pay very careful attention to what you tell us. We want your home to tell the story of you and your family. And to do that, we have to understand exactly how that story unfolds. We go beyond general things that you like, going deeper to learn about your heritage, background, and traditions. All of those things should be represented in your home - they mean something to you and your family and they will tell your guests exactly who you are and what you care about. That’s far deeper than just a pretty house.

Kara Cox on a job site at the NC coast

We Offer a Bit of Magic

What you’re seeing in the photo above is me leaving a project that we completed in an unheard-of three weeks. Whew. But one of our favorite clients asked us to work our magic to refresh their brand new beach house before the summer began. We lost our sanity for a moment and said, sure, having no idea if we could even pull it off in this current climate of low inventory and raw material shortages. But a quick coat of paint and some magical fairy dust later and we walked out the door hours before Memorial Day weekend started. We don’t always want to turn things around that quickly, but when push comes to shove, my team and I can get things done. We will always do everything we can to make it work. That’s the level of service you get when you hire our team.

Kara Cox Interiors

We Keep in Touch

My background in journalism means that I understand the importance of great communication. So my team and I are constantly in touch with our clients, keeping them updated on their projects and how things are going. I also like to occasionally surprise my clients with a fun gift, like the summer swag we just sent out (above). And even after we finish a project, we stay in touch with our clients to be sure their homes are still working for them as their lives and families grow and change.

Want to learn more about how our design firm is different? Get in touch with us to explore our services!

All the best,
