Kara Cox Interiors

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Why Custom Is King

The key to great interior design is to ensure that nothing ever looks “cookie cutter,” and that every room is personal and unique for each client. Part of that individuality is to create custom designs, including furniture, rugs, drapery, and more. I am so lucky to have a great team of artisans and vendors who are able to bring my visions to life. But why is a custom design so important? Here is what I tell my clients.

Kara Cox Interiors

A Perfect Fit

You can’t always find an in-stock production piece to fit every single room or space. That’s just impossible. There are standard sizes for a reason, because they’ll fit most rooms and most people. But sometimes you need a rug that’s a very specific size or a table that’s higher than the industry norm to fit an exceptionally tall client. That’s when you want to have experts on hand to create something that will be perfect, like the rug above that I’ve worked on for a mountain home. Because no, one size does not fit all when it comes to interior design.

Kara Cox Interiors

A Perfect Match

When I’m working with a specific color palette, “close enough” doesn’t cut it for my level of design. And when you’re that precise about your work, then custom is the way to go. In the space above, I wanted drapery that would blend perfectly with the Philip Jeffries wallcovering. I found the right fabric and had my workroom transform it into stunning drapery that makes that monochromatic style look so good.

Kara Cox Interiors

Wow-Worthy Design

When a client wants a space (or the whole home) to be wow-worthy and really push the creative envelope, I can definitely create a vision that will stand out. The problem is that what I may envision is probably not going to be completely available through my regular sources. So I will create a little custom magic with vendors who like to dream big, too. That results in amazing designs like the black floating console above, which perfectly fits the look my client and I wanted.

Kara Cox Interiors

A Personal Touch

And then there’s my favorite reason for going custom - it creates a home that’s unique and personal for my clients. It isn’t just custom product designs that make a home’s interior unique. I love to design millwork like you see above, or frame a custom-colored wallcovering to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art. Those special details elevate the look of a home, and express the personality and style of the person living there.

If you’re ready for a home that’s everything you’ve dreamed of, give my team a call. We can create a custom look just for you.

All the best,
