5 Pro Tips for Decorating with Pink
With Barbie ruling at the box office, you’ve probably seen a lot of pink in the press, in fashion, and in the home. I love decorating with any shade of that Barbie color, but for some people it can be a tough color to work with. One person in the house may love it, while another person thinks it’s too much. So here are my top tips for using pink in your home’s interiors. They’ll make everyone happy - even if you’re more of a Ken than a Barbie.
Kara Cox Interiors
1. Tone Down the Sweetness
There are so many shades and hues of pink - you don’t have to use the bubblegum version in your home. Consider pinks that have grey or taupe undertones. They still offer that softness of pink but without the sugar-sweet quality. You can also use it as an accent color with a balance of neutrals.
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2. Pump Up the Volume
Another option for pink is to go bold and beautiful with deeper shades of fuchsia or hot pink. These looks grab attention and make a stronger statement. But I reserve these colors for accents or art - it would be too dramatic a shade for the walls.
Kara Cox Interiors
3. Accent the Positive
When I have a client couple that can’t agree on pink in their interiors, I offer the idea of using that color as an accent or in the accessories. You can see the pretty hue in the quartz lamps and in the rug above. It’s just enough pink to satisfy the person who loves the color, without being over the top.
Kara Cox Interiors
4. Wrap It Up
I’m lucky that my husband loves our beautiful home, and every color that I use in it. Which of course includes pink. When my clients are in agreement about the color palette, we can have some fun. In the dining room above, I wrapped the room in pink hues, offering enough variation to keep the look balanced. The textured wallpaper adds a great visual interest to the gorgeous color.
Kara Cox Interiors
5. Strategically Placed
Another great tip for pink is to place it strategically in your home. You can use it in a bedroom, a powder bath, or a study rather than in the more public rooms of the house. Or you can bring pink into your personal space, like a yoga studio, a craft room, or a home office. Be strategic with this color to create a great look.
What do you think about pink? Is it a color you’d love to use in your home? Or do you need help perfecting your palette? Give my team a call for any decorating dilemmas!
All the best,