Two Groups I Care About on Giving Tuesday


Today is Giving Tuesday, a global reminder to support our communities in a time of need. It’s a day that’s important to me and my team at Kara Cox Interiors. We believe in paying it forward, taking the blessings that we’ve been given to help others and to shine the light on important issues. Today, I’ll be supporting two causes that I believe in - ensuring that no child goes to bed hungry, and supporting the need for more inclusive representation in the design industry.

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BackPack Beginnings

This local nonprofit has been near and dear to me for years. In a normal year (remember those?), the group would send backpacks of food home with schoolchildren, ensuring that those in need wouldn’t go hungry over the weekend. Too often, school meals are the only food some children will get all day - so imagine the suffering when those kids are not going to schools right now. And it’s been that way for months. So BackPack Beginnings has stepped up its programs to be sure that kids are still receiving backpacks full of food, clothing, toiletries, and books. They also provide comfort packs to children experiencing traumatic events. It doesn’t take much to make a huge difference to kids in need, so please consider joining me to donate to BackPack Beginnings by clicking here.

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Black Artists + Designers Guild

Like too many other arenas in our lives, Black creatives are underrepresented and under-recognized in the design industry. BADG’s mission is to combat the lack of representation of Black talent and culture in design, and this winter they are launching an amazing project to help change that narrative. The Obsidian Virtual Concept House will be a unique dwelling highlighting Black family identities through cutting-edge design. Debuting in January, the home will imagine life in 2025 through the lens and talents of Black architects, interior designers, furniture designers, and more. Join me in supporting this innovative project and BADG’s mission. Just click here to donate.

During this season of giving, please consider contributing to these two groups, or to nonprofits that are important to you. This year, more than ever, our communities need our help. And it’s the perfect time to reach out a hand to help others.

In gratitude,
